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Author – Sundra Jyothi
Co – Author - Dr Shivani Deshmukh
MD Part 2
Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical college , Shelgaon, Jalna

Abstract – Agoraphobia is a normal reaction to stress and can be beneficial in some situations. It can alert us to dangers and help us prepare and pay attention. Anxiety disorders differ from normal feelings of nervousness or anxiousness, and involve excessive fear or anxiety. Agoraphobias are the most common of mental disorders and affect nearly 30 percent of adults at some point in their lives.

key words-
Agoraphobia, clinical features, Aetiology, Homoeopathic Treatment for Agoraphobia


Agoraphobia is anxiety associated with places or situations from which escape may be difficult or in which help may not be available in the event of having a panic attack or panic-like symptoms. Agoraphobia means literally fear of the marketplace and is strongly associated with panic. This association is underlined by the DSM-IV classification of agoraphobia, which is divided into panic with agoraphobia (which is considered the most common form) and panic without agoraphobia. By contrast, ICD-10 emphasises phobia and consequently classifies agoraphobia as agoraphobia with and without panic

Clinical features -

Persons with agoraphobia typically find it difficult to shop in busy supermarkets and to go to crowded places such as the theatre or cinema. Avoidance of these situations is a prominent feature. They may, however, feel better if accompanied by someone else. As with other phobias, those with the condition may have relatively low levels of baseline anxiety if they are able successfully to avoid the phobic situations. Clearly, however, agoraphobia is severely disabling. Approximately half of people diagnosed with panic disorder in community samples also have agoraphobia.

Aetiology -

Family and twin studies suggest that genetic factors are relevant. However, the onset of agoraphobia often follows a precipitating event, which may be a panic attack or another potentially frightening incident which leads to subsequent avoidance.

Homoeopathic Treatment –

Homeopathy is very effective for treatment of Agoraphobia. The homeopathic prescription for anxiety neurosis is based on the principle of individualization
Aconitum Napellus - Aconite is a very useful Homeopathic remedy for Generalized Agoraphobia aconite persons are having fear of death and are very restlessness. There is anxiety of crowded places and while crossing the streets. Acute, sudden and violent attacks of tension, with a marked fear of death and when outside makes the patient feel better. Increased thirst for big quantities of cold water during the attack could be a vital pointer towards the utilization of Homeopathic medicine aconitum napellus. Homeopathic medicine. Anxiety attack that comes on suddenly with very strong fear of death may indicate this remedy. A state of immense anxiety could also be accompanied by strong palpitations, shortness of breath, and flushing of the face. Sometimes a shaking experience are going to be the underlying cause.

Argentum nitricum- Argentricum nitricum is very good remedy for Agoraphobia. It indicated for person who is having apprehension or stage fright accompanied by agitation and a feeling of hurriedness. person gets anxious while preparing for a few engagement or before travel. The anxiety disappears as soon as the person reaches the engagement venue or sits within the car. person is accompanied by the most troublesome fear and diarrhea. Excessive irritability, nervousness and impulsiveness. person walk very fast and continuously till fatigue sets in. Person of Generalized Agoraphobia with symptoms of impulse to jump impulsiveness like the out while travelling in a train, or while crossing a bridge or high.

Arsenicum Album - Arsenicum Album is very good remedy for Agoraphobia there is fears death and restless. It is useful for patients who refuse to take the medicine because of the thought that death is near and there is no use of taking medicine. Severe restlessness, continually changing position, excessive weakness and the patient can even faint. The attacks of anxiety that are worse at night and make the person fearful to be alone also guide towards the use of Homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Album. People are very much anxious about their health, and extremely concerned with order and security, often benefit from this remedy. Obsessive about small details and extremely neat, they will feel a desperate got to be up to the mark of everything. Panic attacks often occur around midnight or the very early hours of the morning. The person may feel exhausted yet still be restless—fidgeting, pacing, and anxiously moving from place to place. These people may additionally have digestive problems or asthma attacks with anxiety.

Calcarea carbonica - cal carb is good remedy for Agoraphobia There is fear of breaking out of any safe routine. Anxiety worsens when plans are changed, and they show difficulty in “going with the flow.” especially indicated for dependable, solid people who become overwhelmed from physical illness or too much work and start to fear a breakdown. Their thoughts can be muddled and confused when tired, which leads to anxiety. Worry and bad news may agitate them, and a nagging dread of disaster may develop. Fear of heights and claustrophobia are also common. A person who needs this remedy is usually chilly and sluggish, has a craving for sweets, and is easily fatigued.

Gelsemium - Gelsemium is very good medicine for Agoraphobia The patients of Agoraphobia who complain of trembling and palpitations. The palpitations lead to the patient being in constant motion .The anxiety attacks that come after a sudden fright, exciting news, sudden emotions and when a person has to attend an interview with consequent trembling of the entire body needs the utilization of Homeopathic medicine gelsemium sempervirens. The anxiety attacks accompanied by dizziness, dullness, weakness and diarrhea can also be effectively tackled with this Homeopathic medicine.

Ignatia Amara - Ignatia Amara is very good remedy for Agoraphobia for a person who is having sudden grief, Changeable mood; introspective; silently brooding. Melancholic, sad, tearful. Not communicative. Sighing and sobbing. After shocks, grief, disappointment.

Kali arsenicosum -This is for anxiety that is health-based. Conditions include hypochondria, excessive grooming, and fear of heart attacks. People with health-based anxiety may have racing thoughts and difficulty sleeping. They may also fear death . Anxiety even to great anguish, with great fear. Anxiety in the morning on waking, but most marked in the evening and during the night. person is anxious without cause, about his health; wake up during the night with anxiety and fear. He fears death, or a crowd of people, yet equally dreads being alone. Fear that something will happen. Fear of people. He is very easily frightened and startled. He has frightful delusions and sees images. He despairs of recovery, he sees dead people in his nightly delirium. His thoughts dwell upon death, and he is sure he is going to die. He is very fretful, and dislikes to answer questions. He behaves like a crazy man. Fickle-minded, with confusion. Constantly discontented. Very excitable. Mental exertion intensifies mental and head symptoms. Always in a hurry, and very excitable. Many hysterical symptoms, with cramps and fainting. Indifference to all pleasure. Anxiety about health, especially about heart disease or a heart attack. This can result in panic attacks or make them sleep with their hand over their heart. Anxious thoughts can increase at night making them avoid going to bed. They can even imagine that they see dead people. Frequently feel chilly. Cannot settle upon what he wants to do. Wakens up in the morning very fretful They can be prone to feeling cold and vulnerable to panic attacks.

Kali phophoricum - A remedy for those with anxiety from feeling overwhelmed. Easily, stressed, startled and frightened. Oversensitive and delicate. Easily exhausted and irritability from exhaustion or anxiety. Physical ailments from worry, overwork, and overexcitement. They can fear having a nervous breakdown or fear something bad will happen. This is touted for those who are vulnerable to stress or becoming overwhelmed. Their anxiety stems from having too much to do or ambitions that are daunting. Their anxiety tends to take a physical toll on them as well.

Lycopodium Clavatum - Lycopodium Clavatum is an excellent remedy for Agoraphobia when the patient has to appear in public for making a speech or otherwise with the fear that he or she will make mistakes, or will forget. However, such a person completes the task very efficiently once he or she gets started. The anxiety appears only in the beginning of a task and vanishes as the task proceeds.

Phosphorus -Homeopathic phosphorus is thought to be good for social people with anxiety. When anxious or vexed, their thoughts get scattered and they have a difficult time focusing or getting things done. Their anxiety may be tied to a need for approval in social circles or from romantic partners.

Pulsatilla -This is for people with childlike anxiety. They may need lots of reassurance and support from others to feel better.

Silica - silicia is indicated remedy for Agoraphobia. It’s for people who fear experiencing new things, talking in front of people, and getting a lot of attention. They tend to become workaholics to soothe their fears.

Sepia - Sepia Officinalis is Homeopathic medicine of great help for attacks of anxiety accompanied by flushes of heat on the face and head. The other symptoms that guide towards the use of this Homeopathic remedy in patients of Generalized Agoraphobia are irritability, anxiety in evening time and faintness during anxiety.

Author – Sundra Jyothi
Co – Author - Dr Shivani Deshmukh
MD Part 2
Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical college , Shelgaon, Jalna

Shivani Deshmukh


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