Kidney is one of the vital organs of the body, responsible for removing waste like minerals, salts, etc and fluids in the form of urine. Sometimes the amount of waste products in the kidneys rise and there is not enough fluid to slough it out, which results in crystallisation of the minerals and salt in the kidney, facilitating formation of kidney stones. The stone forming wastes could be calcium, oxalate, urate, cystine, xanthine and phosphate.Kidney stones are also known as renal calculi, nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis. They may form or affect in any part of the urinary tract- kidney, bladder or urethra.Signs and symptoms produced by kidney stones depend on their size and location, which may vary from a small grain of sand to as large as a pebble, and sometimes reaching the size of a golf ball!!. Kidney stones usually do not cause any symptoms, until they start moving within the kidneys and lodge in one of the ureters, which is a tube connecting kidneys and the bladder. If ever it happens it blocks the flow of urine, resulting into swelling of the kidneys and ureteric tube goes into spasm producing symptoms like- severe, sharp pain in the sides and back, that may radiate to lower abdomen and groins and may fluctuate in intensity. Pains may also be accompanied by burning sensation while urinating. Other than that some accessory symptoms like nausea, vomiting, pink or orange colour of the urine with increased frequency may also be there.First and foremost risk factor that might result in formation of kidney stones is dehydration. If you are not drinking enough amount of water, you are at the higher risk of developing this condition, as then the kidneys do not get enough fluid to slough out the waste from your body and they are intended to collect inside. If a person has a family history or personal history of having stones, then chances of developing them in future increases. Certain foods like high protein diet, salt and sugar may also increase the risk of developing kidney stones. Other than that obesity, digestive diseases, other medical conditions like hyperparathyroidism, cystinuria, repeated UTI also increase the risk.Small stones may pass out by themselves without even being noticed by just consuming a lot of amount of water. Others may require medical intervention depending upon the condition in which the patient is coming. Most of the time, patient comes with the symptoms of severe pain or red colour urine with burning and feeling of incomplete urination. Homeopathy is best option for removing kidney stones from the body naturally and gently. The patient may consult the best homeopathic doctor for kidney stones in his/ her locality or go for online homeopathic treatment by visiting homeopathic portals that can help in consulting best homeopathic doctors from all over the country. These portals also provide information about nearby homeopathic shops and online homeopathic stores, which makes it easy to buy prescribed medicines as per own comfort.Homoeopathic medicines are not only capable of removing stones, but also remove the tendencies of developing them in future. Time taken by the homeopathic medicines depend on the location and size of the stones, if they are small and outside the medulla they are easy to slough off and take less time, but if the stones are larger in size and located deep inside the kidneys, duration of treatment may increase. Homeopathic medicines break stones in tiny particles and then they are naturally removed by the kidneys through urine, so while continuing the medications, you still need to drink a lot of amount of water everyday as a part of treatment.

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